Gateio api


This page will help you get started with Resource: Document. API services. Name , Details. User service, Continent all the is one of the global top 10 cryptocurrency exchanges with authentic trading volume. We provide safe and transparent transactions. Buy, sell or trade of hundreds of digital currencies such as Bitcoin (BTC), Litecoin(LTC), Ethereum(ETH), EOS(EOS),Ripple(XRP), Tether (USDT) etc. Base URL of all Gate API v4 real trading changed to; v1.3.0.

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UP BIT. livecoin. BTC markets. coinex. Bibox. Security. is one of the global top 10 cryptocurrency exchanges with authentic trading volume. We provide safe and transparent transactions. Buy, sell or trade of 

2019-02-13. Add volumn_24h_usd and volume_24h_btc in GET /futures/tickers response provides a simple and robust Websocket API to integrate BTC/USDT futures contract trade status into your business or application. We have language bindings in JavaScript and Python, more in the future!

Gateio api is one of the global top 10 cryptocurrency exchanges with authentic trading volume. We provide safe and transparent transactions. Buy, sell or trade of hundreds of digital currencies such as Bitcoin (BTC), Litecoin(LTC), Ethereum(ETH), EOS(EOS),Ripple(XRP), Tether (USDT) etc.

Domain of base URLs are changed to and respectively, * is deprecated and will soon be out of service. v1.2.1. 2019-02-13. Add volumn_24h_usd and volume_24h_btc in GET provides a simple and robust Websocket API to integrate BTC/USDT futures contract trade status into your business or application. We have language bindings in JavaScript and Python, more in the future! provides a simple and robust Websocket API to integrate trade status into your business or application.

We have language bindings in … provides a simple and robust Websocket API to integrate delivery futures contract trade status into your business or application. We have language bindings in JavaScript and Python, more in the future! You can view code examples in the dark area to the right, and you can switch the programming language of the examples with the provides a simple and robust Websocket API to integrate trade status into your business or application.

Gateio api provides a simple and robust Websocket API to integrate trade status into your business or application. We have language bindings in JavaScript and Python, more in future! You can view code examples in the dark area to the right, and you can switch the programming language of the examples with the tabs in the top right. provides a simple and robust Websocket API to integrate delivery futures contract trade status into your business or application. We have language bindings in JavaScript and Python, more in the future! You can view code examples in the dark area to the right, and you can switch the programming language of the examples with the gate-api APIv4 provides spot, margin and futures trading operations.

Buy, sell or trade of hundreds of digital currencies such as Bitcoin (BTC), Litecoin(LTC), Ethereum(ETH), EOS(EOS),Ripple(XRP), Tether (USDT) etc. Supported features in Zabo: Read Balances; Read Transaction History; Read Deposit Addresses; Create Deposit Address; When you use Zabo to integrate with, instead of building a custom, one-off integration that only works with, your developers can learn just Zabo’s API and a handful of simple calls. dotnet add package gateio.api --version 1.0.0 For projects that support PackageReference , copy this XML node into the project file to reference the package. For spot trading, we are offering API v2.0 and you may go to APIKeys page to generate the Key and Secret. Here is how to do: 1.

API接口地址. * 鉴于高延迟和差稳定性等原因,不建议通过代理方式访问。 限频规则. 10次/秒 gateio Rest Api Java 203 196 gateapi-python. Python 35 17 WebSocket-API. gateio WebSocket-API PHP 26 19 gateapi-go.

Welcome to API. APIv4 provides spot, margin and futures trading operations. There are public APIs to retrieve the real-time  欢迎使用 API. APIv4 接口提供了现货、杠杆、合约交易相关的操作,包括 公共接口查询市场行情,以及需要认证的私有接口, 实现基于API 的自动交易。 Futures API upgrade (New orderbook API with 10ms update); AKT Launch: Deposit, Trade AKT & Win a share of $16,000 Mega Rewards; Gate. io  11 Feb 2020 const gate = require(''); 11 hours ago 为给量化机构和做市商提供更加专业的交易服务,Gate.io已经对合约API进行升级 ,本次升级主要为了增加订单薄Orderbook更新的及时性和准确 is one of the global top 10 cryptocurrency exchanges with authentic trading volume. We provide safe and transparent transactions.

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API Key should be visible already. Enter your Key and your Secret here; Please note that API imports only the last 100 trades per pair. This limit is put in place by and not CoinTracking. Use a CSV import to import your older trades. Warning: does not provide API permissions. All keys have full access to your funds.

dotnet add package gateio.api --version 1.0.0 For projects that support PackageReference , copy this XML node into the project file to reference the package. For spot trading, we are offering API v2.0 and you may go to APIKeys page to generate the Key and Secret. Here is how to do: 1.